Mom-to-be takes maternity photos with military husband overseas

(INSIDE EDITION)- A Florida photographer provided a special memory for a mom-to-be whose husband is set to miss their baby's birth while serving overseas.

Veronica Phillips' husband, Brandon, who is a member of the U.S. Air Force, has been deployed for months and has missed most of her pregnancy.

"He wasn't there when I started showing," Phillips told "It hasn't been an easy process."

Phillips said she's done her best to keep her husband in the loop, sending him pictures of ultrasounds and trying to include him in her appointments.

Despite being thousands of miles apart, the couple sought to do something special for their maternity photo shoot, and create a lasting memory together.

The couple decided to ask their photographer, Jennifer McMahon of Jennifer Ariel Photography, to Photoshop a picture of them together.

"I always wanted to do something to honor him for the sacrifice that he is making for us. I showed my photographer and he did pictures over there and she Photoshopped them together," Phillips said.

Phillips, now 9 months pregnant with the couple's baby boy, became extremely emotional when as she viewed the finished product.

"She did an amazing job because the hand is actually on my belly which is hard to do," Phillips said. "I teared up. It's hard [with] him being away. He can't be here for the baby shower or appointments so it's pretty hard sometimes.

"The picture symbolizes that we have to stay strong."