Nursery school classroom's chicks safe after overnight fire

A nursery school classrooms chick's are safe after an overnight fire sparked at Manoa Community Church Nursery School Tuesday night.

Just before 8 p.m., a heat lamp keeping the day-old chicks warm somehow fell into their plastic bin. Fueled by woodchips, it melted the base of the bin and started smoldering.

Nursery director, Tammy Funch, was out walking with her hisband when a church elder called her about the fire.

"Of course I said, "the chicks!" but [the church elder] said they were fine," recalled Funch.

By the time Funch arrived, fire crews from Manoa and several surrounding stations were on the scene. Firefighters had to break down the door of the school office where the chicks were held and rescued every bird without injury.

The pre-k students and teachers were happy to offer praise for the firefighter, but also recognized another protector.

"God helped," said one student.