Officer has tea party with young daughter

A photo featuring a police officer having a tea party with his young daughter is going viral.

The Collier County Sheriff's Office in Naples, Florida shared a photo of Cpl. Adam Dillman having a tea party with his daughter. Dillman was dressed in full uniform, getting ready to head to work.

His daughter wore a pretty pastel dress and multicolored tiara.

CCSO deputy Adam Dillman enjoying a few precious moments with his daughter before work. This photo is a great reminder...

"I was [just] doing something she enjoys doing," Dillman told The Huffington Post in a statement. "To me it's a reminder that deputies are fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. We all have families at home that are praying for our safety every day."

The post has been shared more than 1,000 times since it was posted on September 24.