Patient Is Left Speechless When Doctor Sings to Her as She Recovers From Surgery

(INSIDE EDITION)- A Michigan doctor went above and beyond to cheer up a patient who had just undergone surgery, whipping out a guitar after the girl requested a song.

Kaylee Peebles, 17, underwent major intestine surgery after suffering from Crohn's Disease for more than a year.

Her surgeon, Dr. Michael Leinwand, popped in a day later to check on her.

"He came into the room and asked if I needed anything, a game or candy, just any request," Peebles told INSIDE EDITION. "I asking him kind of jokingly, 'how about you sing me a song?' and he left the room and came in with a guitar."

In a video captured by Peebles' mother, Leinwand sang 'Closer to Fine' by the Indigo Girls to his ecstatic patient, who said she was thrilled by the impromptu performace.

"I was speechless. He put a smile on my face. I was super tired and I was in pain, and it made my day. It made my whole week," Peebles said.

Now healthy and pursuing a social work degree, Peebles decided to share the video with a class as part of a presentation about Crayons 4 Kids, Leinwand's family's non-profit that gives gifts to children who cannot leave the hospital over the holidays.

"I asked my mom to email me the video, but the file was too large, so I told her to put it on Facebook," she said. "I said, 'when you put it on Facebook, you can (note) this is the one-year anniversary that I've been in remission and feeling well.'"

The video was an instant hit.

"It was super surprising. I was excited. And I'm really glad people are getting to hear about Crayons 4 Kids," she said, noting the guitar her beloved doctor played was purchased through the charity.

"It's such an amazing non-profit organization. It put a huge smile on my face when I needed it.

"For kids that are in the hospital, don't get to go home during the holidays … it lightens their day."

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