Planned Parenthood funding, wage hike atop Murphy agenda

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -- A host of bills from Planned Parenthood funding to a higher minimum wage appear to be on the runway to Gov. Phil Murphy's desk.

But many details have yet to be worked out.

Murphy hasn't been in the job for a week yet, but he's already promised he'll sign legislation that Christie vetoed.

MORE: Millionaires' tax, marijuana, minimum wage atop NJ agenda

Among the changes are funding for Planned Parenthood, which Democrats added and Christie stripped annually in the budget, a hike in the minimum wage to $15 an hour from $8.60 and a requirement that employers pay workers sick leave.

It's a Democratic wish list that previously passed the Legislature, though on some of the issues Democrats disagree. Possible stumbling blocks include how quickly to reach the $15 wage and whether to exempt some sectors of the economy.