Police: Couple delivered baby in bathtub, never took her to hospital
PALM SPRINGS, Fla. - When police entered Gwynevere Merkau, 31, and Daniel Brajon's, 26, Palm Springs home, they discovered something unusual. The couple had a baby daughter that the police had no idea existed.
According to police, who had entered the home to investigate reports of child abuse, the couple delivered the baby in the bathtub and never took her to the hospital. The little girl also never received a birth certificate.
Brajon told police that Merkau delivered the baby in four inches of water, cutting the umbilical cord with a pair of household scissors.
According to the Sun Sentinel, it's against Florida law for a parent to not document a child's birth.
When police entered the home Wednesday, they found the now one-year-old and her three-year-old brother, living in filth. They were covered in dirt and surrounded by bird feces.
Police also reportedly found drug paraphernalia in the home.
Both Brajon and Merkau are facing charges of child abuse and neglect.