Police investigate KKK fliers dispersed throughout Hatboro

"It's a little unnerving at the moment," said neighbor Bob Shay.

The disgusting, freshly packaged messages of hate were disgracefully added to landscaping all across Hatboro, Pennsylvania.

"You don't believe that in 2018 these things are happening, but we're looking at the evidence right there," said Shay.

Bob Shay is talking about one of the racist fliers thrown on to his neighbor's driveway. Tagged by the group "Loyal White Nights," an infamous North Carolina chapter of the Ku Klux Klan.

"Just to see it. I mean, it's one thing to talk about it. Another thing to see some of the evidence. It's bizarre," Shay explained.

At least two houses were hit on Pine Tree Lane, including one belonging to a Hatboro official. Bagged with candy hearts, the fliers said "Wake Up America" and "Blacks are taking over your town as you read this."

Neighbors said diversity is a value they hold dear.

"You have families putting their kids through school. All different types of races and religions," Shay added.

Many residents can't remember this ever happening in Hatboro before.

"Usually it's very quiet. Peaceful town. Good people," said another neighbor, Linda Hawkins.

Earlier this year, similar fliers were found in Upper Dublin, weighted down with rice or stones. Once again, police are investigating.

"I don't like it. I don't like it at all," Hawkins said.