Police warn of fake speeding ticket scam
Chester County, Pa. (WTXF) Police in the area are investigating an elaborate speeding ticket scam.
What makes this scam so alarming is the amount of accurate information being sent about the victims.
Police believe hackers are responsible. They are using traffic and navigation apps we all use every day, according to police.
Drivers around Chester County are getting more than directions from their GPS apps these days. Some in Tredyffrin Township are getting fake speeding tickets coming to their email box. The emails claim the person was caught on camera speeding and must pay a stiff fine. However, police say the emails are fake.
So far, at least three people in Tredyffrin Township got the emails that look surprisingly real.
Hackers are using the victims real name, township, road and speed they were driving, but police say, a clickable attachment that comes with the email is actually a malware virus that is automatically installed on your computer.
According to police, the hackers are probably getting to their victims by using traffic or navigation apps most of us use on our smartphones. The emails have come from the address: "citation@safe-browsing.com" but police warn it's anything but safe.
Investigators can't say for sure which smartphone apps the hackers are using. Police warn not to open unsolicited attachments and they also remind people police do not send traffic citations through email.