Popular Restaurateur Charged with Production of Child Porn
The FBI confirmed that a popular restaurateur was arrested and charged with production of child porn.
According to the FBI, Alex Capasso was arrested on July 20th and production of child porn charges were filed in Washington, D.C.
By most accounts Alex Capasso was a cutting edge part owner of the popular Rittenhouse restaurant Crow and the Pitcher, but federal authorities say Capasso had a dark side, allegedly engaging in child pornography and attempting to set up a meeting to have sex with 9-year-old girl
"I didn't believe it. I was confused it's a different person, I guess I didn't know him. How would you know it was going on?" said co-owner of the Crow and Pitcher Michael Franco. "He was always paying attention to the food in the kitchen or in the office with numbers, there is nothing that would be a red flag."
Michael Franco is Capasso's partner at the Philadelphia restaurant. He says he was blindsided when he heard the news that the FBI had arrested Capasso on charges of producing and sending child pornography. He said his patrons were shocked and upset and so was the restaurant staff.
"I am just trying to get through today and move forward. We had a staff meeting talked, briefly talked about our future and try to move past this," Franco told FOX 29.
The feds say they caught Capasso after he communicated with someone he thought would give him access to having sex with a 9-year-old girl. Then, Capasso allegedly sent photos of a 5-year-old child being fondled. Capasso is being held on bail.