‘Rape-murder fantasy' has mom, man charged in teen's killing
NEWTOWN, Pa. (WTXF/AP) - A woman whose 14-year-old daughter's dismembered remains were found in the woods last fall has been charged along with her boyfriend with killing the girl in a "rape-murder fantasy" the couple shared, a prosecutor said Sunday.
"The hours and the days leading up to her murder were probably the most horrible and traumatic that any person should ever have had to experience," Bucks County District Attorney Matthew Weintraub said.
Skipping other details, the report says, "Grace was conscious during the sexual attack."
On the evening of Oct. 31, the affidavit says Pennsylvania State Police troopers responded to a report of human remains in Bear Creek Township, Luzerne County.
"Investigators on scene noticed the absence of insect infestation about the torso, indicating that the torso was most likely stored in another location prior to being dumped at this outdoor location, where it was exposed to weather conditions and the elements of nature."
It continued that a police "canine 'Cratos' located additional human remains identified as the arms and legs severed from the found torso."
On Nov. 8, the torso "was positively identified as Grace Packer."
The affidavit described, "Investigators learned that Grace's body had been discovered unclothed. No jewelry was found with Grace's remains despite the fact that her ears were double pierced. She was not covered over to avoid detection."
It was also determined "due to "no insect infestation upon the torso" that "Grace had been killed and dismembered elsewhere and actually stored somewhere else where insects were not able to infest her remains."
As for the dismemberment, authorities "found a receipt from the Tractor Supply store in Richland Township, Bucks County, Pa., dated October 16, 2016 for a bow saw and two extra blades."
Those were not found but authorities "were able to secure video at the Richland Tractor Supply store of Sara Packer buying the aforementioned bow saw and two extra blades."
Then, on Jan. 7, "Jacob Sullivan admitted to several hospital personnel that he was responsible for the murder of Grace Packer. He admitted that Sara Packer was an accomplice. Investigators interviewed the hospital personnel to whom Jacob Sullivan confessed. Those individuals related specific details about the murder of Grace Packer, which included details that had not been previously released to the public. What are the individuals indicated that Jacob Sullivan wanted to 'confess everything' to the police about his involvement of Grace Parker. The hospital personnel also indicated that several family members visited Jacob Sullivan during this time frame. Hospital personnel believed he also confessed to them as they witnessed an emotional encounter between Sullivan and his family."