Single Dad's Sweet Father-Daughter Dance Gesture Goes Viral

A single dad sent a message out to men everywhere on how a lady should be treated when he asked his daughter to her school's father-daughter dance.

Just because I'm her Dad doesn't mean I'm going to assume she'll go with me. You ask out a lady like it's the first time...

On Tuesday, Jason Garmon shared a Facebook post about asking his daughter Skylar to the daddy-daughter dance. With the help of Skylar's brother Grayson, Garmon surprised his little girl with a Pinterest-worthy setup.
With help from Skylar's brother Grayson, Garmon pulled off an impressive proposal.

Equipped with a bouquet of flowers, a pitcher of iced tea and a sign that posed the question, "Will you go to the daddy-daughter dance with me?" Grayson's Facebook pictures instantly went viral.

His post had readers everywhere swooning and has been shared over 45,000 times.

"I had always planned on doing something like this for a woman but I realized the most important female that deserves my attention is already right here beside me. - P.S. She said YES!"

This heart-warming moment will not soon be forgotten by Skylar and her daddy.