Stranger captures heartwarming moment between police officer and homeless woman

A police officer wants to remain anonymous after he was photographed giving a homeless woman a new pair of shoes.

So, I see this old lady begging for change at the bottom the London Bridge off ramp on my way home from work almost...

"I feel as though I didn't do anything different from any officers I work with, or any other officers in the nation," the master police officer of the Virginia Beach Police Department told ABC News.

According to the officer, he always carries two pairs of boots with him for this very reason - in case he comes across someone who needs them.

On March 29, he says he saw a woman in her 50's begging on the side of the road.

"It looked like she was having a pretty hard time getting around, so I decided to stop and talk to her for a moment," the officer said. "She was very thankful and I was more than happy to help her out. She got a little teary-eyed over it. I gave her a big old hug and said 'God Bless.'"

29-year-old Trey Pendt, a resident of Virginia Beach, told ABC News that he was coming home from work on Tuesday when he saw the interaction.

He was sitting a red light and took a photo of the moment, posting it to Facebook where it now has more than 3,000 shares.

"I thought it was really cool," Pendt said. "He walked up to her with the boots and she put them on. He helped her lace them up. He drove off, she walked off happy and that was it."

Jimmy Cason, a Virginia Beach Police officer said that the department is proud of the officer.

"We're very pleased with his actions in helping someone in need," Cason said.

The officer says that the homeless woman offered him her shoes when she received the boots, but he declined. He says he suggested that the pay it forward and give the shoes to someone who needs them.