Stunning fall foliage in northern Utah captured in drone footage
OGDEN VALLEY, Utah - The fall leaves are in their prime in northern Utah right now.
Justin McFarland, a Utah resident and drone enthusiast, captured the colorful moment in Utah’s Ogden Valley on September 27. He shot similar and incredible drone footage last year.
McFarland told Storyful, “The fall colors started a bit later this year because of the abundant snow and moisture we received this past spring.”

McFarland said that the video was shot with a “polarized ND-4 filter to reduce the sunlight glare and brightness. While it’s not colored, I find the polarization helps the colors pop a bit more, especially in the shaded shots outside of direct sunlight.”
According to the Utah Office of Tourism, it is difficult to predict when leaves turn colors, "but a good gauge is to assume that the best fall foliage viewing season begins in the highest elevations in mid-September and wraps in early-October in most places."