Suspects behind series of thefts in New Castle County sought: police
Pair of thieves sought after stealing cars and belongings in New Castle County
New Castle County police are in search of a pair of brazen criminals they say are behind a series of thefts including automobiles from several neighborhoods.
NEW CASTLE COUNTY, D.E, - New Castle County Police say a pair of brazen criminals are behind a series of thefts including automobiles from several neighborhoods. Crimes police say could easily have been prevented.
"It’s an absolute crime of opportunity. These suspects were very brazen in their actions" said Master Corporal Richard Chambers of the New Castle County Police Department.
Police released images of one of the attempted thefts last Thursday morning.

One of the suspects is seen waving the middle finger to the security camera as he pulls the handles of a locked car in a driveway.
Investigators believe the pair is being at least 6 recent thefts of cars or thefts from cars in recent days.
"Right now we don’t believe there is any targeted neighborhood we think just think these suspects were going from neighborhood to neighborhood checking car doors and handles" said Chambers.
Police say recent thefts happened in communities off the Route 9 corridor, including Rogers Manor and Collins Park. They’re also with police in nearby New Castle City on similar cases in Boothhurst and Van Dyke Village as well as the Rutledge neighborhood.
Stolen items included at least 2 vehicles, weapons, credit cards and other personal belongings.
"It’s not the same as it used to be that’s for sure" said Dawn Tillinghast. She has lived down the block from one of the recent thefts for the past 25 years. She says it has only been recently that property crimes forced many of her neighbors to get surveillance cameras and upgraded lighting.
"Keep your doors locked, keep your car doors locked especially" she added.
Residents who live in the neighborhoods are hoping these camera loving suspects get the attention they deserve.
"Stuff is getting expenses now, cost of living and people out of work and they want to make a quick buck. You should be able to walk out of your neighborhood and not see your car smashed up" said Collins Park resident Thomas Estep.
Police believe there may be more victims out there since thefts from unlocked vehicles frequently go underreported.
If you recognize and of the people in the video or have any information please call New Castle County Police Detective Disk at (302) 395-8030. Tips can also be forwarded to the New Castle County Division of Police Criminal Investigations Unit at (302) 395-8110.