Teacher Accused of Washing Student's Mouth With Soap
GREENSBORO, NC- A North Carolina kindergarten teacher is learning a tough lesson about what happens when you go too far, after she allegedly washed one her of student's mouth out with soap.
The alleged incident reportedly happened at Wiley Elementary school in Greensboro on Wednesday.
According to a PTA member, the parent of another child saw what happened and reported it to the principle, and other PTA members.
The spokesperson for Guilford County Schools has released a statement, calling the incident "unacceptable."
The news is not sitting well within the community.
"I'm sad; I'm frustrated, I'm angry that it happened. I would say some type of punishment would be appropriate, of course, but I don't know what type," said parent Setaria James, "When you take your child to school, you trust that they're in the best of care and you don't want anything done to them that you wouldn't do."
The teacher has now resigned, and the school district, along with the local police department, is investigating the incident.