Terrifying Footage Shows Four Men Attempting to Break In West Mount Airy Home

MOUNT AIRY (WTXF) - A terrifying sight for a man in West Mount Airy as four men with guns lurked outside his home. He's left to watch as they try to bust in and his surveillance camera rolls.

These guys ran off before police arrived and now investigators are reviewing that surveillance video to find those men.

It begins with one of the suspects walking up to the victim's door and giving it a knock while noticing the surveillance camera noticing him.

Later the victim slams the door as the armed bad guys aggressively try to get in they have handguns and a sawed off shotgun.

Pam Chaplin-Loebell says she saw the frightening surveillance video that has shaken up the 500 block of Burnham Road.

"Is there a reason that four individuals would all try to go to a particular place on the block? You wonder," she said. "That's terrifying cause we're right next door, we had no idea."

The video shows all four guys in the Tuesday night act including one wearing a mask. They go for a window moments later when their efforts fail on the door.

Police say they never got in, but they caused quite a stir.

"I mean yeah we have our family here so we usually have a pretty safe quiet block, so this is pretty unsettling to us, to find this out, like this too," Loebell said.

No injuries were reported as a result of this incident and nothing was taken.

Police are asking you to come forward if you have information about this case.