University Teachers Union plans to strike starting Wednesday morning

Tonight negotiations broke down between the University Teachers Union (APSCUF) and the State university system. A four-day self-imposed media blackout has ended.

FOX 29's Chris O'Connell says that according to a union source, a strike will happen at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow.

14 state run universities, 105,000 students, and 5,500 faculty members are affected.

Erik Walsh, a junior, said, "I just hope that it doesn't go on too long when we start missing assignments and we can't finish out the semester of classes."

Hopeful for an 11th hour deal -- West Chester University faculty filed out of a union meeting with no contract and prepared to hit the picket lines tomorrow morning.

They are among 5,500 faculty teaching at 14 state run universities who have been working without a contract for the past 15 months.

Among the issues, pay raises. Medical contributions. And part time professors. Students feel like they're caught in the middle.

"We're not sure if our graduation date is going to be pushed back it's a little worrisome because we all have plans after graduation," Christiana Borghi, a senior, said.

"If we do go on strike for a very long time. What about tuition reimbursement. I am paying for this. And now I'm losing out on my money," Cami DiMarco, a senior, said.

In the event of a walkout students at West Chester and Cheney University are still being told to come to class. But if teachers are a no-show after 15 minutes students can leave.

"Are you hoping for a strike? Yes. For like a day or 2. Maybe Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Anything more than that it would be a hindrance to my school," Christian Orlando, a sophomore, said.

A prolonged strike could mean December graduations, financial aid, even some of this weekend's homecoming activities could be effected.

A media blackout between the union and the state university system has left students in the dark. They won't know until 5am whether teachers will be coming to class.

Tyler Marraffa, a senior, said, "No one knows anything really. We're going to wake up tomorrow like a snow day nobody knows if there's an inch or 12 outside."