Vegan mom charged with malnourishing 11-month-old son

A Pennsylvania mother has been charged with child endangerment after investigators found her 11-month-old son allegedly malnourished after being fed only nuts and fruit.

CBS Pittsburgh reported that 33-year-old Elizabeth Hawk followed a strict vegan diet and sometimes imposed her extreme nutrition views to her family members.

"She was going to live on water and sunlight," Hawk's sister-in-law Brandy Hawk recalled her saying, according to the news station.

When Brandy noticed the boy, whose name wasn't disclosed, had a severe rash and seemingly delayed motor skills, Elizabeth brushed off her concerns. She denied there was anything wrong with her son and blamed the rash on "allergies," CBS Pittsburgh reported.

Neither she nor her brother, Jerry Hawk, Elizabeth's estranged husband and the boy's father, bought her excuses.