Walkers come from all over the country for Komen for the Cure walk

"It's been a great walk - the scenery is fabulous - all around perfect," Denise Charters, of New Orleans, said.

They clocked 60 miles throughout the Philadelphia area - covered in pink: spandex - socks - costumes and capes- to cure breast cancer.

Susan Ryan of Collegeville, PA said, "Initially they said it wasn't cancer at all - turned out to be a variety pack of different types of breast cancers."

Melissa Leaming of Colorado said, "We get blisters- injuries - but it doesn't compare to what someone goes through - pain and suffering - chemo treatments - losing a loved one - it doesn't compare."

Denise Hallums from Baltimore says it's her first Susan G Komen 3-day - she's doing it for her mom.

"I lost my mom very young - not to breast cancer but I just feel like nobody should be without a mom."

Emotions remained high as walkers crossed the finish line at the navy yard Sunday afternoon.

Smiles - tears - hugs and cheers.

As the committed crowd marched in to the closing ceremony. A sea of pink -- raising a shoe to honor survivors -- sharing hope -- banding together to end breast cancer.

You think it's you - you're the only one who's been through it as bad as we have - it's amazing to see so many people come out," Jody Young of Yardley said.

These men and women raised more than 2.1 million dollars this weekend - that money will go to breast cancer research and programs - job well done.