White supremacists losing their jobs, disowned by family after social media outs them

(INSIDE EDITION) - In the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, there is a nationwide campaign to publicly shame white supremacists on social media.

Logan Smith is behind the social media account, @YesYoureARacist, which asks, "If you recognize any of the Nazis marching in Charlottesville, send me their names and I'll make them famous."

"Within, really, seconds I had people writing in, sending me messages saying, 'I had a college class with this person, I went to high school with this person,'" he told Inside Edition.

The blowback has been swift and a man identified as Cole White of Berkley, Calif., was forced to quit his job as a cook with the national hot dog chain, Top Dog.

Another person identified at the Charlottesville rally was student Peter Cvjetanovic, who attends the University of Nevada.

One self-proclaimed white supremacist was photographed standing next to James Alex Fields Jr., who has been accused of plowing his car into a crowd of pedestrians.

Now, 27-year-old Nigel Krofta of Ridgefield, Va., has lost his job as a welder.

Another guy's family is actually disowning him for taking part in the neo-Nazi march. Pete Tefft's father said in a statement: "My son is not welcome at our family gatherings."

Another alleged white supremacist was photographed wearing an 82nd Airborne Division hat while giving a Nazi salute.

The renowned U.S. Army division later responded on Twitter: "Anyone can purchase the hat. Valor is earned."

Meanwhile, the grieving mother of Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer, 32, has come forward to express her heartbreak at losing her daughter.

"I love her and I miss her so, so much but I'm going to make her death worth something," she told reporters Monday evening. "No mother should have to give up her 32-year-old child and I know people die every day -- I'm not special that way. But if my daughter died for a cause I'm going to speak for that cause and make that cause important."

The protests were fueled after the white supremacists marched with tiki torches in Charlottesville Friday night to object to the democratic removal of a statue depicting Confederate general Robert E. Lee.

On Monday, a statue of Lee that stood in Durham, N.C., for nearly 100 years was hauled down and kicked by protestors.