Wife Who Spiked Her Husband's Christmas Drink With Anti-Freeze Gets 15 Years in Jail
(INSIDE EDITION) - A British woman who tried to kill her husband by spiking his Christmas drink with anti-freeze was ordered to spend 15 years in jail, court officials said.
Jacqueline Patrick, 55, was ultimately undone by a spelling mistake she made in forging a Do Not Resuscitate order in her husband's name. An incriminating trail of text messages between her and her daughter did not help her case.
Douglas Patrick was twice the victim of poisoning by Jacqueline, police said. The last occurred on Christmas Day in 2013, when she put anti-freeze in his cherry Lambrini, an inexpensive sparkling fruit wine.
Both incidents followed family arguments, police said.
After calling for an ambulance, Jacqueline presented paramedics with a DNR that misspelled the word "dignity." The note she handed over said "dignaty."
"Perhaps most shocking of all was the note she gave to the London Ambulance Service purporting to be from her husband, stating that he did not wish to be resuscitated," Detective Inspector Tracey Miller said in a statement, according to Reuters.
Hospital tests showed Douglas was suffering from anti-freeze poisoning. When the medical staff told Jacqueline, she said he may have consumed a blue liquid by mistake. The staff thought it odd that the wife hadn't mentioned that before and called police, Reuters reported.
Daughter Katherine Patrick was ordered to spend three years in prison for inciting her mother to kill her dad, authorities said. Jacqueline pleaded guilty to two counts of attempted murder in September.
Investigators confiscated cell phones belonging to the mother and daughter, and discovered texts including "I got the stuff I will give him some later delete txt tell no one ok" and "He feels sick again I gave him more delete this."