Woman finds hidden camera in "Which Wich" bathroom

GLENDALE, Ariz. -(KSAZ)-A woman says she found a hidden recording device inside the Which Wich restaurant restroom at Westgate.

Lisa Copeland says she heard a beeping noise coming from an air freshener positioned in the corner of the restroom.

"I went and picked it up and it beeped again, I looked and said this is odd. I opened it and noticed there was an iPhone," said Copeland.

She says the iPhone was recording. Copeland rushed out and told her boyfriend who alerted an employee. She says the employee told her he would call police after he got off work. The couple didn't wait and called police themselves.

Glendale Police Department is reviewing the iPhone contents and surveillance video from the store.

"Detectives are trying to see what if any recordings are on this phone," said Sgt. David Vidaure, a Glendale Police spokesperson.

Lisa is now speaking out to alert others who may have been victims too.

"There could have been children on that camera, other women, and they're not even aware of it," said Copeland.

The owner of the Which Wich store, Peter Greene, says he and his staff are cooperating fully with authorities.

Police say they do not have a suspect yet and ask anyone with information to call Glendale Police.