Woman Named Beyonce Says She Hates Her Name

We've all had our fair share of obstacles growing up, but what if your name was Beyonce? How does it feel to share the name of the lead member of Destiny's Child? It's apparently difficult.

That's the life of a shy student photographed on Humans of New York, a catalogue blog about New York City residents.

"Sometimes I hate my name because it always draws attention to me, and I'm not a very social person," Beyonce' told HONY.

"My family moved this year from Pennsylvania. I was so scared the first day of school that someone would notice me. I wouldn't even adjust my seat because I thought it would make a noise. One time I really had to cough, but I held it in. When the teacher started calling attendance, I got really nervous, because every time people learn my name is Beyoncé, somebody starts singing ‘Single Ladies.' And some did, of course. But the second day of school wasn't too bad. Because everyone knew my name."

After Beyonce' shared her story, many other people online shared their support of sharing names with celebrities. This resulted in a series of hilarious comments. See the comments above.