Aston police officers help deliver baby girl

Two Aston police officers delivered a baby girl when she decided to make an early entrance into the world.

Aston Township police officer Colleen Joyce was all smiles as she held 2-week-old Cayleigh Lewis on Monday. The 14-year police veteran helped to bring the little one into the world on Feb. 7.

"Being a female police officer and being a mother myself, it was definitely a unique situation," Officer Joyce said.

Unique is an understatement.  Ashley Peart's water broke as she sat on her couch. Moments later, she was having back to back contractions

"I was like you need to call 911. He's like we can make it. I was like we can't make it anywhere. The baby is coming right now," Peart explained.

Police were there in minutes, but something was wrong.

"I was in tears. I was petrified. All I kept doing was holding onto my cross my mom got me," dad, Mike Lewis, said.

Lewis says Cayleigh was blue. She wasn't breathing and her heart rate was low. Officer Joyce had never delivered a baby before but her training kicked in.

"I had Ashley push the baby out and tried to maneuver the baby, vigorously rubbed the baby to get her stimulated and breathing again," Officer Joyce explained.

With the help of her partner, Officer Anthony Grosso, EMTs, and paramedics who were right behind police, the baby was going to be okay and was rushed to the hospital.

Proud big sister 4-year-old Camryn hand-delivered thank you cards to Officer Joyce and her partner.


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