Basketball team sends political and social message with T-shirts
Lower Merion, Pa. (WTXF) - A local basketball team is sending a strong political and social message. High school students from Lower Merion are using what they wear to show where they stand.
The playoff game is over and the home team has the win. The home team is also getting some added attention for a T-shirt they designed and started wearing.
One team member took a knee and all of the players were sporting a special T-shirt during the National Anthem before the championship match up between Lower Merion and Central Bucks
"We just felt it was time to come out and support everyone no matter race, religion or background," said Najja Walker.
That was their plan, their reaction to the current political climate. to the president's controversial executive order on immigration. Seniors on the basketball team designed and created this T-shirt.
"We are all of different political backgrounds but this is something we could all agree on," Najja explained.
The team started wearing the shirts during the anthem at games last week and supportive parents started selling them for $10 each. The proceeds are going to the ACLU.
Not everyone was wearing the T-shirts but seem to accept what the team is trying to do. They've apparently raised about a $1,000 so far.