Blessing of the badges ceremony for Moorestown emergency responders

The blessing of the badges. It's a special ceremony for dozens of law enforcement, firefighters and EMS workers in Moorestown. It's a service to pray for them and anoint their badges and uniforms with oil as a symbol of protection.

"It helps out a lot because every morning my wife and I we do wake up and we pray not just for us but for every first responder and the government," said Deputy Fire Chief Edgar Thomas with the Moorestown Fire Department. He went to the alter for prayer.

"It's good to know that we have that shield of faith around us every time we walk out the door because there's no telling when we're coming back or if we'll come back," he said. His wife and children attended the ceremony with him.

"It's just a testament that we have individuals to come out on a week night evening to offer prayer and to have the clergy to bless the badges of these individuals has been a wonderful event," said his wife Danielle.

Moorestown Police Chief Lee Lieber explained the meaning of the badge and says he's touched by the community turnout for the ceremony.

"It's been a really tough year for law enforcement and it makes it easier for us to go out and do our job when we know the people have our backs," said Chief Lieber.

The ceremony was also a way of saying thank you to all emergency workers who risk their lives every day.

"These guys live this and they train very hard and they give their hearts and souls. Their families are behind them all the way and I think it's very important for us as a community to support these guys and girls," said Moorestown Mayor Phil Garwood.