Boy, 6, Asks To Pray For Police Officer on Side of the Road in Wake of Violence Against Cops

(INSIDE EDITION) This normally shy 6-year-old was so affected by the recent attacks on the Dallas Police, he knew he had to speak out.

Jaxon Siderius was on the way to a lake with his family when he spotted a police officer and asked if they could pull over.

"He asked if we could turn around to pray for him," his mom, Anna Wise Siderius, told

The boy then got out of the car and asked a Montana Highway Patrol officer, whom they later discovered was named Jerry, if they could pray together.

"At the end, I heard him say, 'Please protect the officer and all other officers,'" the mom recalled.

"I thought he was brave. Probably more than me," Siderius told

Five Dallas police officers were shot dead last month as protests against the police killings of two black men were underway.