Bridesmaid-For-Hire Goes to 2 Weddings in 2 States in 24 Hours

A woman is taking the cliche "always the bridesmaid, never a bride" to the next level - by becoming a bridesmaid for hire.

Jen Glantz is a professional bridesmaid who gets paid to help plan the wedding, pose for photos and chat with guests.

The idea came to her when, at 26, she had already been a bridesmaid in six weddings.

"I was asked to be a bridesmaid twice in 24 hours by my own good friends, and through that I was named the Professional Bridesmaid," she told the Jewish Daily Forward.

After she posted an advert to Craigslist on a whim, she was inundated with requests.

And business is still booming: she recently took part in two weddings on the same weekend - one in Michigan and the other 600 miles away in New Jersey.

To get to the church on time, Jen had to fly out in the middle of the night and - thanks to a plane delay - had to get ready in an airport bathroom. Luckily she made it on time.

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