Charges Filed Against AG Kathleen Kane Surrounding Grand Jury Leaks

NORRISTOWN, PA (WTXF)- The Montgomery County District Attorney has announced several charges against State Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman announced that Kane has been charged with obstruction of the administration of law, official oppression, conspiracy, and false swearing.

The Montgomery County DA alleges that Kane "orchestrated a leak of confidential investigative information and secret grand jury materials."

They say she then "set on a path to conceal her actions," including lying to the grand jury.

According to the District Attorney, the leaks were meant to be a retaliation "against former state prosecutors whom she believed had embarrassed her in the press," adding that, "evidence shows that General Kane undertook these actions seeking vengeance and retribution against other law enforcement professionals."

The Montgomery County District Attorney's Office began an investigation after a December 2014 referral from Judge William Carpenter of the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court.

In April, a special prosecutor was appointed by a Montgomery County judge to look into grand jury leaks that were tied to Kane's office.

Kane is accused of leaking grand jury information regarding a Philadelphia civil rights leader to the media.

MORE: AG Kane Lawyer, Special Prosecutor Spar Before High Court

Kane had originally challenged the appointment after a grand jury recommended she be charged criminally for leaks of secret material.

The appointment was upheld by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in April.

Kane is expected to surrender and be arraigned in a public hearing within the next two days.

Indirect criminal contempt charges have also been filed against Patrick Rocco Reese, Kane's driver and a special agent in her executive protection detail.

The charge is based upon evidence that he secretly snuck into grand jury files in violation of protection order from Judge Carpenter, obtaining confidential grand jury information numerous times. Arrangements are being made for Reese's surrender.

Ferman said Thursday that the investigation is ongoing and more charges could be filed.

Attorney General Kane released the following statement following the announcement of charges Thursday:

Governor Tom Wolf Released a statement Thursday afternoon addressing the seriousness of Attorney General Kane's charges.

The Governor admitted that, "She is entitled to her day in court She is entitled to due process under our system of government and law, and she will have time to defend herself, and I think she needs to do that."

Governor Wolf then called on Wolf to step down and step aside, "Because I think she cannot do what she has to do as the top law enforcement officer in Pennsylvania while she's facing these serious charges."