Cold weather tests Philly Marathon runners, while 1 runner is surprised with marriage proposal

The cold didn’t stop thousands of runners from hitting the pavement for the Philadelphia Marathon.

"It’s a tough race. I was trying to break 2:30. Today was a real windy day on that back half and it just stopped it," said Gerardo Moceri, who came in 38th place.

Emotional and exhausted, runners crossed the finish line and a day that is built in with its own challenges – the distance, of course – had an increased level of challenge, with temperatures hovering around 30 degrees and the wind gusting hard.

Sedona, Arizona native Moceri was competing in just his third marathon and said, had it not been for the wind, he would have broken 2:30. He had to settle for a 2:31:49 finish and place 38th overall. "I was on pace and there were some real windy miles that made it real tough, but I was close."


The event drew thousands to the city to put their physical and mental fortitude to the test. All runners were given a medal after crossing the finish line, but runner Phoebe Clowser got some additional bling, in the form of a surprise engagement ring.

"Did you have any idea?" FOX 29’s Marcus Espinoza asked.

"No!" Phoebe replied.

Espinoza then asked, "How does it feel to be engaged?"

"I’m in shock!" newly engaged Phoebe exclaimed.

The run serves as a national qualifier for the Boston Marathon and it was clear many did not want to just finish the race, but also do their very best.

"When I get a weekend off for this race, I really want to give it everything. Cause it’s hard to find time to do races. You’re talking about two to three marathons a year," Moceri said.

So, as one finish line is crossed, another journey begins and, for some, an entire new life awaits.

"This is the best surprise, ever and I love him so much, so this is great!" Phoebe added.