Comey announces no new charges against Clinton, latest plot twist during this election season

It's the latest plot twist. But in an election season that's defied all conventional wisdom... Is it the last?

Director James Comey delivering a letter to a congressional committee Sunday saying his agents have finished reviewing newly unearthed emails linked to Hillary Clinton-- a review Comey had said would not be complete until after the election.

The conclusion? No new charges are coming from the FBI.

Clinton's press secretary says they were always confident nothing would change the decision the FBI director made last July.

But with days left in the race and dozens of states several weeks into early voting-- is the damage already done?

Clinton's running mate Tim Kaine weighing in on the announcement at a campaign stop in Wisconsin.

"Not surprised. I really feel like the original conclusion was so unequivocal after such a long investigation that when the surprise of a letter two Fridays ago happened, I still felt like that would be the conclusion they would reach."

Tonight in battleground state Michigan, Trump criticizing the FBI director's announcement, saying this fight is far from over.

"It's a totally rigged system. I've been saying it for a long time. You can't review 650-thousand new emails in 8 days. You can't do it, folks. Hillary Clinton is guilty. She knows it, The FBI knows it. The people know it. And now it's up to the American people to deliver justice at the ballot box on November 8."

The battle is on for hard to pin down swing states including PA--

Both candidates gunning hard for the Keystone State that pollsters believe could go red or blue--and take the presidency with it.