Community holds vigil for 3-year-old hit and run victim on his birthday

It's never been the same on the 2700 block of Mascher Street in West Kensington for the family of little David Alicia, who would have been three-years-old today.

Family members posted his picture on the fence for a vigil Sunday night, honoring him on his birthday.

It was back in April when police say he and his 19-year-old mother Josephine Rivera were struck by a white 2007 Infinity as it sped down the street.

Police say the car sped off as mother and son were crossing.

David died at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia days after the crash, family says his mother is still healing from fractures and facial injuries.

Police say the owner of the car that hit them wasn't driving the vehicle at the time, but came forward after watching news coverage and led cops to the car.

But the case has hit a snag, police sources say they know two people who were in the car at the time of the accident, but they don't know who was driving at the exact moment of the crash.

Neighbors say this speed bump was installed after the incident, but what they really want is justice.