Convenience store clerk saves baby when mother has seizure
A convenience store clerk is being hailed a hero after saving a baby girl when her mother collapsed from a seizure. Surveillance video captured at the store in Arvada, Colorado, on Sunday shows a woman with a baby begin to have a seizure while checking out at the counter.
Clerk Rebecca Montano grabs the infant, just before the woman falls to the ground. Montano says she noticed something wasn't quite right with the customer while she was checking out.
"I was talking to the baby and she - the girl - had a glazed look on her face," Montano said. "I wasn't sure, I felt uneasy about it. I was asking her, 'Is everything ok?' I grabbed the baby's arm and she started to sway."
After taking the baby, Montano handed the little one to a customer as she called 911 and gave assistance to the woman. Thankfully, the woman who had the seizure is fine and so is her baby, all thanks to the quick-thinking clerk.
STORE CLERK SAVES BABY FROM FALL: The employee knew something was wrong when the mother began to sway back and forth.