Delaware County residents fed up with speeding cars around 'Delco's dangerous curve'
MORTON, Pa. (FOX 29) - Residents on a Delaware County street say even a sign that reads, 'High Accident Curve' isn't enough to slow drivers down on a road curve they call 'Delco's Dangerous'.
Take a stroll down busy Providence Road in Morton the first thing you'll notice is the all the kids. The next thing is the speeding cars.
Jason Aungst says everyone on the block has a story.
"We've seen a daycare van overturned in front of my house. I've had a car on my front lawn," he told FOX 29.
It's easy to see why some neighbors have labeled this curve one of Delco's most dangerous.
"We live in fear. We can't go in the front yard without wondering if a car is going to run up on the sidewalk," Bob Salos said.
Actually, it's happened more than a few times. It got so bad Salos has been researching traffic counts, PennDOT policy and documenting crash-after-crash. He even has newspaper clippings dating back to the early '90s.
In fact, in January FOX 29 covered crash here when a fugitive sent police on a pursuit and wrapped his car around the same utility pole. The neighborhood has been begging for speed humps, radar signs or just double yellow lines painted in the street.
After years of begging the borough, elected official listened. On Wednesday, in a surprise vote borough council voted to add traffic humps and paint double yellow lines at a cost of about $20,000. Even the kids understand something needs to be done. Parents just hope the fix happens before it's too late.