Dog suffering from PTSD receives support from other dogs in viral Facebook post

A story posted on the Humans of New York Facebook page about a dog suffering from PTSD has gone viral.

The post was published on October 11.

"We're on the slow plan to get over her terrible beginnings. She has a lot of PTSD. She was born in a kill shelter so...

In it, the dog's owner tells the Facebook blog that the small dog, a terrier, was born in a kill shelter, and is therefore, terrified of anything and everything.

"It took us a whole year before I could get her to leave the apartment. But now there are some mornings when she even asks to go outside. She tends to change her mind once we get to the elevator, but I always give her time to regroup, and she's happy when we finally get outside," reads the caption beside his photo on the Facebook page.

Other dogs who have been rescued "commented" on the Facebook page, sharing their own stories with positive endings and wishing the other dog well.

The post has been liked more than 440,000 times and has more than 25,000 shares.