Eric Holder questions arrests of 2 black men at Starbucks

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Former Attorney General Eric Holder is questioning the recent arrest of two black men in a Philadelphia Starbucks.

During remarks at the National Constitution Center Monday night, Holder said common sense should have been used in the situation and that the manager should have thought twice about calling police.

MORE: Philly Starbucks manager no longer employed at store | 2 black men in Starbucks controversy speak out

Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson were handcuffed and arrested on April 12 after a Starbucks employee called police because they hadn't bought anything in the store. The two men told The Associated Press that they were waiting for a business contact to arrive.

The former Obama administration official is helping create a training curriculum for Starbucks along with other civil rights experts that will address racial bias. The chain will close 8,000 stores on May 29 to undergo the training.

MORE: Philly police commissioner apologizes for Starbucks arrest | Starbucks to close all stores for racial-bias education on May 29