Evesham Twp. police officer helps young girl who was afraid of going to school

A grateful father wrote an incredibly heartwarming account of an experience her young daughter had with an Evesham Township police officer and it's going viral.

The father wrote that his daughter Olivia was having a really hard time with school ever since the beginning of the school year.

Olivia would cry every single morning - sometimes from the minute she opened her eyes.

He wrote that as they walked toward the front door of Rice Elementary School, someone would have to take Olivia from him as she sobbed in hysterics to be taken home. It was difficult to even get her in the building.

But one day, Officer Brian Libetti, who is assigned to the school - or Officer Brian as the children call him - asked why she was upset.

The father told him that Olivia was afraid and didn't want to go to school. So Officer Brian asked Olivia if he could walk her to class, and she took his hand as he took her to her classroom.

The father writes that Officer Brian chats with her and makes her feel comfortable and safe. And since that day a week and a half ago, every morning he greets all the children, and gives Olivia a big smile before taking her by the hand and walking her to class.

According to Olivia's father, she has stopped crying completely and is always happy to see Officer Brian - her new friend.

"Only my Lady Liv would need a police escort to get into 2nd grade!!!!" the father wrote.

The Evesham Township Police Department shared the story on their page along with a photo of Officer Brian and Olivia.

"Great job School Resource Officer Libetti, you truly are making a difference!" they wrote.