Family of murdered mom offers free diapers, food to other moms

The family of a murdered Chicago woman helped other pregnant women and moms in Waukegan on Saturday.

Marlen Ochoa-Lopez, 19, was killed in 2019. Prosecutors said she was lured to a Southwest Chicago home with the promise of free baby items. She was strangled and her son was cut from her womb. He died two months later.

On Saturday, her family held a food and diaper distribution event in her honor.

The three defendants in the murder are expected in court next week. Clarisa Figueroa took the baby to a hospital and pretended that the child was hers. 

Prosecutors said that Clarisa's daughter, Desiree Figueroa, helped with the murder and disposal of the body. Desiree's boyfriend, Piotr Bobak, is also charged.

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