Father's Day comes early at California Prison
SAN QUENTIN, Calif. (AP) - Father's Day came early this year at San Quentin State Prison, bringing hugs, smiles and cheer to 90 inmates at the lockup near San Francisco Bay.
A program called "Get on the Bus" brought four busloads of families from across California to see prisoners, some on death row and some with less than two years left to serve.
Each year, the state corrections agency partners with the Center for Restorative Justice Works, which provides free transportation for children to visit their incarcerated parents.
During Friday's nearly four-hour visit, kids were able to get their faces painted, receive fake tattoos, play chess or just sit and catch up with dad.
Inmate Brian Asey got a special gift.
In the visitation room with barred windows and a large guard tower outside, he was able to lift his 5-month-old grandson, Deshawn Mitchell, for the first time.
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