First appearance for man accused of killing 5-year-old boy

It's an unimaginable crime against the most innocent of victims. On Thursday night, Montrais Boyd made his first court appearance for the gruesome murder of his 5-year-old son, Montrais Junior.

WARNING: Some may find the details of this case disturbing

Mr. Boyd, you are accused from February 21, 2018 with the offense of murder," said DeKalb County Magistrate Judge September Guy, as Boyd was seen on a closed circuit television monitor from a room at the DeKalb County Jail.

The 25-year-old man, newly clad in a jailhouse orange jumpsuit, sat emotionless, not saying a word. It was his first court appearance for the gruesome murder at a house near Lithonia Wednesday night.

"You are accused of with malice of forethought causing the death of Montrais Boyd, Jr., a human being, by using a kitchen knife to sever the head of the victim," said Judge Guy.

The judge spoke of Boyd using a kitchen knife to murder his son. A new detail in the case clarifying an earlier report put out by the DeKalb County Police Department which stated Boyd used a shovel to bludgeon the little boy.

Investigators said the Boyd used the shovel to bury Montrais, Jr. in the backyard where the boy's mother discovered him.

"She was able remove the child from the ground with her bare hands and that's when she put the child in the vehicle attempting to take him to the hospital believing she could save her child," said Shiera Campbell with the DeKalb County Police Department.

She said the wife and her mother, who lives in the home, had gone to run errands after she and Boyd arrived from California Wednesday.

FOX 5 News has learned Boyd's wife called 911 in Arizona last June when she said he drove off with Montrais Junior in the car. Boyd's wife was frantic during the call.

Arizona Police said Boyd was naked when he hit a patrol car with his fists, jumped into a vehicle than rammed another patrol car. He was eventually arrested a few miles down the road, with Montrais Junior in the seat.

Police said here in Georgia said she told investigators Boyd sacrificed his son because he thought the world was going to end.

Boyd returns to court March 2 at 9 a.m. at the DeKalb County Superior Court for his probable cause hearing.

RELATED: Police say father beat son to death with shovel, buried him in backyard