Gov. Wolf wins fight against cancer, receives 'clean bill of health'

Governor Tom Wolf announced Friday he has received a 'clean bill of health' after receiving treatment for prostate cancer.

Last year, the governor announced he had been diagnosed with a treatable form prostate cancer during a routine check up.

Wolf received outpatient treatment for several months.

The Governor released the following statement Friday morning:

"Frances and I would like to thank everyone for the many well wishes on my clean bill of health. I encourage all Pennsylvanians to make sure they schedule regular checkups with their doctors -- last year my treatable prostate cancer diagnosis was thankfully detected early after a regular appointment -- and are aware of screening guidelines so early detection and treatment can be possible."

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among U.S. men, with an estimated 220,000 new cases and 27,500 deaths last year. It's the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in American men, with a 15-year relative survival rate of 94 percent.

You can view the American Cancer Society's guidelines for early detection of cancer here.