Green Party-backed group wants a recount in Pennsylvania
Associated Press
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) -- A Green Party-backed group wants a Pennsylvania court to order a recount of the state's Nov. 8 presidential election result. But it's unclear if the courts have that authority.
Court papers filed Monday cite an affidavit by a University of Michigan computer scientist stating results produced by electronic voting machines could've been manipulated by malware. They say they may supplement their evidence with the results of various precinct-level recounts being pursued by Green Party-backed voters.
Republican Donald Trump edged Democrat Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania. Green Party candidate Jill Stein trailed them significantly.
Democratic Secretary of State Pedro Cortes says there's no evidence of voting irregularities or cyberattacks on Pennsylvania's electronic voting machines.
A Republican lawyer says the courts lack authority to order a statewide recount. Cortes says he's also unaware of such authority.