But of course you can now buy Grey Poupon ice cream

Grey Poupon, popular prepared Dijon style mustard (Getty Images)
Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon — ice cream? If you’re shopping at Walmart, the answer may be, "But of course."
Van Leeuwen Ice Cream has released five new ice cream flavors sold exclusively at Walmart, including the dijon mustard best known for its commercials. The original, "Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?" commercial aired in 1981, but different versions of the commercial aired through 1997, making the brand a pop culture favorite.
The new summer lineup will replace Van Leeuwen’s spring ice cream flavor rotation: say goodbye to Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and pizza ice creams. The other four summer flavors are campfire s’mores, summer peach crisp, honey cornbread with strawberry jam and espresso fior di latte chip.
You can find Grey Poupon ice cream in 3,500 Walmart stores in every state in the U.S. for the next 10 weeks, the company said in a news release.
RELATED: Walmart pulls Juneteenth ice cream after backlash: ‘We sincerely apologize’
Van Leeuwen isn’t the only company mixing up salty, savory and sweet promotions for the summer.
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Last week, Ritz Crackers and Oreo cookies announced the launch of a limited time snack called "Ritz x Oreo." One side is a cracker and the other side is an Oreo cookie, with a layer of peanut butter-flavored creme and another layer of cookie creme.
There were only 1,000 packs available, and they've already sold out online.
In other food oddity news, Tropicana announced the launch of a cereal brand made to pair "perfectly" with their line of orange juices.