Judge sets $1 bond for 43-year-old repeat offender accused of kidnapping, beating woman

It's in black and white. 43-year-old Aubrey Taylor is a habitual offender.

"You've got eight prior felony convictions, two of them for robbery," said Andy Kahan with Crime Stoppers.

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According to court documents, the DA's Office wanted Taylor jailed with no bond or a high bond, because he's accused of holding the victim in his car for several days and repeatedly choking her and beating her.

"He's charged with two serious violent offenses," Kahan said.

232nd Criminal District Court Judge Josh Hill made Friday the 13th a lucky day for Taylor. He granted him an unheard of bond amount.

"A dollar bill," said Kahan. "Since there were two cases, a 2-dollar bill."

"I have never seen that before," said criminal defense attorney Emily Detoto. "In fact, when you first told me about it, I thought you were joking."

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According to court documents, Judge Josh Hill was making his feelings known about Senate Bill 6, which eliminates PR or personal recognizance bonds for violent offenses.

"It's like, I wish I could give you a PR bond, I can't, so I'll make it a dollar," Detoto said. "That's nonsensical to me."

"If I'm outraged, I can't imagine what the victim in this case must be going through considering all she did," Kahan said.

"Someone has accused you, you're in jail, you're angry, who's the person you're thinking about? Who are you fuming over and who's the first person you want to go be angry with? It's the person who put you there, right," Detoto said. "That needs to be rethought."

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