July 2022 was second-hottest on record, data from the National Weather Service shows

July 2022 was a hot month with several days that saw temperatures above 90 degrees, according to data from the National Weather Service

Forecasters say those conditions set a record, making it the second-warmest July in the Philadelphia area. 

FOX 29's Drew Anderson analyzed data from the National Weather Service and found that the average temperature in July 2022 was 82.1 degrees. 

Data shows that four out of the five hottest Julys on record have been in the last decade. 

Additionally, July 2022 had the hottest nighttime temperatures on record, with the average being 73.7 degrees. 


In total, July 2022 had 19 days with temperatures above 90 degrees, and 2022 has seen a total of 27 days with those conditions as of August 1, 2022. 

The trend of hot and humid weather is expected to continue into August, bringing what could possibly be another heat wave to the area, according to forecasters. 

The Philadelphia area sees 30 days with 90-degree temperatures on average and that average is set to be broken Thursday. 

For the past five years, the number of days with 90-degree weather has grown. 

Data shows that there were 26 days in 2017, 30 in 2018, 35 in 2019, 36 in 2020 and 37 in 2021.