Kentucky Gun Store Declares Itself "Muslim-Free"
Whitesburg, KY--The owners of a gun store in Letcher County, Kentucky, says Muslim customers are no longer welcome.
This week, they instituted the ban on people of the Islamic faith. The owners of Jace Firearms in Whitesburg are raising eyebrows with the language they have decided to use on the sign on the front of their store.As of Wednesday, the rotating electronic sign outside the shop reads 'Muslim-free gun store.'
According to the owners, they were inspired to ban Muslim customers after a Florida gun store owner declared his business a 'Muslim-free zone' on YouTube. They also say they were reacting to the shooting deaths of four marines and a navy sailor in Chattanooga, Tennessee last week.
"We feel like we should offer a Muslim-free store where Muslims won't be able to come in here and buy guns to hurt any more of our citizens," said owner Jill Stidham.
Stidham could not say how they would identify Muslims attempting to enter her store. She says the store also began displaying a confederate flag in their storefront last week. Well, any controversy over the issue won't last long, Jace Firearms will be closing next month.