Miss Nigeria's reaction to losing Miss World crown goes viral
LONDON - Miss Nigeria did not win the Miss World 2019 competition, but she did win over the hearts of many around the globe, thanks to an exciting reaction following her loss.
Miss Nigeria, whose name is Nyekachi Douglas, made it to the final three in the global competition alongside Miss Jamaica, known as Toni-Ann Singh, and Miss Brazil, whose name is Elis Coelho.
The three contestants were holding one another for support as they stood to the side of the stage. When Singh was dubbed the winner, Douglas immediately expressed joy for her friend as she marched around with excitement and a jaw-dropping expression.

Miss Nigeria Nyekachi Douglas (L) and Miss Brazil Elis Coelho (R) support Miss Jamaica Toni-Ann Singh (C) as she is announced Miss World 2019 during the Miss World Final 2019 at the Excel arena in east London on Dec. 14, 2019. (Photo by DANIEL LEAL-O
Douglas even twirled before shouting "Yeah, girl!" in Singh's face. The three women then embraced as Singh appeared to be in a state of shock.
Viewers immediately took to Twitter with words of praise for Miss Nigeria.
"Miss Nigeria's reaction to Miss Jamaica winning #MissWorld2019 is the only energy I'm accepting around me!" one user wrote.
"Miss Nigeria Universe and Miss Nigeria World are EXACTLY the friends every woman needs in their corner," another tweeted.
Others called Douglas an "angel" for her "genuine" selfless act.
While the gobal beauty pageant is over until next year, Miss Nigeria has already become a mainstay on the Internet, with her reaction officially becoming a GIF.