More heat and humidity; Not watch but WARNING in effect

The hazy, hot and humid conditions we've been suffering through are only getting worse.

That means more heat and humidity every day until Saturday.

The excessive heat watch that was set to begin has even been upgraded to a warning.

The FOX 29 Weather Authority's Sue Serio reports Thursday even started out hot. The temperature in Philadelphia was 81 degrees, and that was before 6am.

The high is expected to be 93, which will make it the 25th day of the year to reach 90 or above. Combine that with the humidity and it'll feel like it's about 100 degrees.

Friday's high is expected to be 94, but feeling like 100 to 105.

Then, it's going to feel like 105 to 110 on worst day, Saturday.

Afternoon pop-up storms will be possible through then, so be prepared.

And be sure to take it easy because all the excessive heat will increase the risk for heat-related health issues into the weekend.

The Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, in collaboration with the with city's health department, is activating its Heatline: 215-765-9040. The Heatline will be staffed Thursday noon-midnight, Friday 8:30am-midnight, and Saturday 8:30am-6pm.

A trained staff including nurses will help callers of all ages about precautions to take and detecting signs of heat stress. Mobile health department relief teams will respond to situations requiring intervention, and 911 will be called for emergencies.

Neighbors, friends and relatives are urged to look in on the elderly, who may be especially vulnerable to the heat. The elderly, individuals with chronic medical conditions, those on medication, and persons who live alone and receive few visitors are encouraged to call PCA's Heatline for advice on coping with the heat. Also, people may call on behalf of someone else who may be at risk.

The Heatline is a non-emergency phone service and not a fan or air conditioner distribution site, but staff can recommend air-conditioned locations and year-round senior services.

The Department of Public Health recommends that to avoid heat-related illnesses:
Try not to work or play in hot areas. If unavoidable, wear a head covering. A wide-brimmed hat or visor will protect both your head and your eyes.
Use air conditioners and fans. Open windows to release trapped hot air.
Consult your doctor if you take regular medication. Some medications cause an adverse reaction in hot weather.
Wear lightweight clothing.
Drink lots of non-alcoholic liquids -- warm or cool -- to prevent dehydration because our bodies lose fluids in the heat lots of liquid.
Maintain a normal diet.
Shower or bathe in water near skin temperature.

Early warning signs of heat stress are decreased energy, slight loss of appetite, faintness, light-headedness and nausea. People experiencing those symptoms should go to a cool environment, drink fluids, remove excess clothing, and rest.

Serious signs include unconsciousness, rapid heartbeat, throbbing headache, dry skin, chest pain, mental confusion, irritability, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle cramps, staggering, and difficulty breathing. People with those symptoms should get immediate medical attention. While waiting for help move the person to a cool area, remove excess clothing, spray with water, and fan the person. In an emergency, dial 911.

What's causing the heat is hot air flowing in from the south, due to high pressure off the coast.

It'll be the middle of next week when temperatures will finally stay in the 80s.

By the way, when the Eagles and Bucs kick off at 7pm at the Linc, it should be 88 degrees, with humid and sticky conditions. Then, it'll feel like 90 about the time the game is over.

Click here for the FOX 29 Weather Authority page, where conditions are constantly updated, 24/7.

Click here for the Weather Alert page, with information by county and the excessive heat warnings set to start noon Thursday already posted.