Mother-in-law charged with murdering Cobb County woman
COBB COUNTY, Ga. - A 63-year-old Cobb County woman is facing charges of felony murder, aggravated assault and cruelty to children, after police said she shot and killed her daughter-in-law. The shooting happened around 11:30 a.m. Thursday at the victim's home on Wyndham Wood Drive.
Investigators said Elisabeth Wall put her grandsons, 7 and 8, in a pick-up truck, and then they said she shot Jenna Wall, 35, inside the home.
Wall was arrest a few hours after the shooting. Officers said she and her son, who is Wall's estranged husband, Jerrod Wall were in the home when they arrived.
Police said Jerrod Wall was not involved in the shooting and only came to the scene after his mother called him at work. Wall is an investigator with the Paulding County District Attorney's office.
Police spent most of Thursday afternoon combing through the crime scene. FOX 5 News was there as officers carried several bags of evidence from inside the house. Investigators also towed away a red truck that was parked in front.
Neighbors stood outside in shock starring at the police activity. Some recall Jenna Wall as a good mother. "She was with her boys, very active playing basketball, always at the swim and tennis, just a wonderful family, very close knit," said neighbor Susan Bruns.
"I wish them all the love in the world. I know it's a sad day. I know it's a sad day. I hope the boys, I don't know what's going to happen to them, I hope they can get over it," said neighbor Thomas Wilson.
Investigators described the shooting as domestic, but did not want to talk about why it happened. "Now we are just simply trying to confirm what we believe to be the motive which we're not disclosing at this time," said Sgt. Dana Pierce.
Elizabeth Wall appeared before a judge Friday morning and was ordered held without bond.
Wall was a popular teacher at Kemp Elementary. Former students and friends dropped by with flowers and notes for the family on Wyndham Woods Drive.
"She was very enthusiastic and outgoing. She was able to make learning fun. She would always do things that teachers wouldn't. She would find a way to make it new," former student Ethan Casto said.
Jenna Wall's father is an administrator at Wieuca Road Baptist Church.