No, Mark Zuckerberg Is Not Giving Away Millions to Facebook Users
(FOX NEWS) Yet another Facebook-themed hoax is making its way across the social media service. This one, a byproduct of Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg's recent announcement that they're giving away $45 billion to support philanthropic causes.
According to the post, the Facebook founder will give 1,000 users $4.5 million if they copy and paste the message and tag a handful of friends.
This is what a typical version of the hoax message looks like:
THANK YOU, MARK ZUCKERBERG, for your forward-thinking generosity! And congrats on becoming a dad!
Mark Zuckerberg has announced that he is giving away $45 billion of Facebook stock. What you may not have heard is that he plans to give 10% of it away to people like YOU and ME! All you have to do is copy and paste this message into a post IMMEDIATELY and tag 5-10 of your friends. At midnight PST, Facebook will search through the day's posts and award 1000 people with $4.5 million EACH as a way of saying thank you for making Facebook such a powerful vehicle for connection and philanthropy.
I hope someone I know gets a piece of the pie -- let me know if you do!!!
But it's just a prank, like the privacy status hoax or the malicious "dislike button" scam.
Earlier this month, Facebook put out a post countering the bogus story.
Friends don't let friends copy and paste memes. While Priscilla and Mark's pledge to give money to improve the world is...
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